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Data Cloud and Digital Transformation Consulting Office - Micropole


Fond du Sport Vaudois

Digitization of the system for processing and tracking grant applications


The Fonds du Sport Vaudois (FFSV) helps finance community and popular sport, as well as elite and international sport, by redistributing Vaud's share of the profits from the Loterie Romande. Faced with the need to modernize its grant application process, the FFSV turned to CROSS to implement the Octopus project, aimed at digitizing this procedure.


The FFSV wanted to digitize the processing of grant applications to optimize processing time, increase traceability, improve the quality of applications and facilitate communication with applicants. Four workshops were essential to clarify the requirements and CROSS, with its experience and qualified team, was able to meet the client's expectations efficiently, on time and within budget.


The project has resulted in two distinct portals: a user-friendly and responsive interface for requesters, and a back-office application for tracking and managing requests through a tailored workflow. Based on a full Microsoft stack, the solution uses technologies such as SQL Server, Entity Framework , MVC 5, owin, oauth2 via Azure Active Directory, Telerik/Ajax for managing dynamic form elements.


The digitization of applications has significantly reduced the use of paper and postage costs, providing beneficiaries with real-time tracking of their applications. Increased simplicity, completeness of information at the time of submission, and improved efficiency have enabled the FFSV to interact electronically with applicants through an integrated chat and file sharing system. Applicants benefit from reduced processing times, and the FFSV is now autonomous in modifying document generation templates. Since its deployment in January 2020, Octopus has facilitated more than 650 applications, 400 of which have been validated, and contributed to the award of more than 4.3 million francs in 2020, demonstrating the success of the solution.

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