Client case Helvetia Environnement: applying data management to the digital transformation program

Helvetia applies data management to its digital transformation program
Helvetia Environnement, a Swiss family-owned company, has been a major player in global waste management since its founding in 2005. Active in the collection, sorting, recovery and conversion of waste into energy, the company's activities cover several Swiss cantons and employ more than 500 people. Faced with the digital transformation of the waste sector, Helvetia Environnement is launching an ambitious digital transformation program in 2019, committing to perfecting global management, automating data flows, dematerializing functions and implementing focused data governance.
The Swiss waste management sector is evolving rapidly, driven by digitalization, innovation and data exploitation. Helvetia Environnement aims to address a number of challenges, including improving performance management, fully computerizing business data flows, simplifying processes and establishing an architecture conducive to future developments. Data governance has been identified as a key component in overcoming these challenges.
Our approach to supporting Helvetia Environnement is divided into several phases. The first is organizational and consists of defining a data-centric program vision. The second phase analyzes the IT landscape, aligning the components of a data platform with technical constraints and business challenges. An architecture inspired by distributed models is recommended, placing data at the center of the transformation. The third phase consists of the implementation of the program. CROSS leads the project, designs the datahub, establishes the data management principles and defines the data-centric organization.
The approach taken aims to align the data pillars to effectively support the transformation agenda. We have built a sustainable architecture, which integrates future challenges while providing an agile and adaptable solution to current needs. The move from a point-to-point approach to a centralized architecture, called the DataHub, simplifies data governance, making it more consistent, flexible and scalable over time. The DataHub acts as a brick to mediate, store and exchange consistent data, complementing traditional Data Warehouse and Data Lake architectures. This approach responds to Helvetia Environnement's current needs while anticipating future challenges, providing a solid foundation for dynamic and innovative development in a constantly changing environment.